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město Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují


 Chateau  Wooden bridge  Garden


It can be found in the western edge of the municipal historical reservation, which is located on the arenaceous promontory, surrounded from three parts by the Metuje River. Together with the chateau it represents a pearl situated in the foothills of the Orlické Mountains. It is located next to so called Land Gate – border cross point to the neighboring Poland, through which there was a commercial path even in ancient periods. History of the chateau starts in the year 1501, when Jan Černčický of Kácov established its core in shape of late Gothic castle.

Chateau Nové Město nad Metují
It can be found in the western edge of the municipal historical reservation, which is located on the arenaceous promontory, surrounded from three parts by the Metuje River.
The Northern main chateau tower called the Churn
The northern main chateau tower called the Churn, 30 fathoms (53 m) high, has a roofed parapet walk in the height of 25 m, from which wide surroundings can be seen, as well as skyline of the Krkonoše Mountains and the Orlické Mountains.
Chateau garden
The chateau garden went through a wide adaptation and revitalization under the guidance of the architect Jurkovič in the years before the 1st world war.
The middle parterre with bosquets, broderies and the baroque fountain fulfills decorative function. Its part is "theatron" with stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet".
Power plant
The old manor waterworks, standing on the embankment of the river under the south-western wing of the chateau and since 1688 for 219 years supplying the chateau, the brewery and the town with water, he changed into hydraulic power plant, the source of electricity.

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 Nové Město nad Metují
 Husovo náměstí 1225


 +420 491 472 119
 +420 731 627 741




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