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město Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují

Baroque stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet"

The middle parterre with bosquets, broderies and the baroque fountain fulfills decorative function. Its part is "theatron" with stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet".

Baroque stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet"

Together with other sculptures, which are located in front of the main entrance of the chateau, they were created in the workshop of the baroque sculptor in the 1st third of the 18th century.

Their original destination was precincts of the baroque magnate, the count F. A. Sporck in Kuks. For decoration and enrichment of the chateau complex in Nové Město were also selected by the architect Jurkovič.

Baroque stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet"

Baroque stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet"

Baroque stony figures of the "Dwarf Cabinet"


Nové Město nad Metují
GPS: 50° 20′ 40.028″N  16° 8′ 57.127″E



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 Nové Město nad Metují
 Husovo náměstí 1225


 +420 491 472 119
 +420 731 627 741




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