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město Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují

Monastery of the Brothers of Charity

The monastery church Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Loreta Chapel

The monastery church Nativity of the Virgin Mary


The monastery church Nativity of the Virgin Mary


monasteries, convents

Monastery of the Brothers of Charity
The Monastery of the Brothers of Charity was founded in 1692 by the owner of a Nové Město estate, Jakub of Leslie, in an effort to atone for the guilt surrounding the murder of Albrecht von Wallenstein. It was completed by Leopold of Leslie in 1767 with consecration of the monastery church in the name of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

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 Nové Město nad Metují
 Husovo náměstí 1225


 +420 491 472 119
 +420 731 627 741




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