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město Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují

The southern front of houses in Hus Square

The southern section of the square consists of houses numbering 1227-1233 and Saint Trinity Church.

The southern front of houses in Hus Square

Double house No. 1227 and 1228 - Deanship

The decanal church has a part of the wall common with the building of deanship. Since the Krčín parson has its chantry land in Krčín, he did not want to live in Nové Město. At the end he had to adapt. In 1523 the house No. 1227 next to the church was bought. Its main treatments were made before the year 1534 and in the following year the parson, who so far had lived in Krajské předměstí, could move to the parsonage. The parsonage as the institution was not moved from Krčín before 1567. The original parson’s dwelling was long and narrow. In order to obtain a little more width construction had to be led over the additionally-built western part of the church. At beginning the parsonage had three rooms, a room, a chamber and a room for servants. 

Before 1623 the parsonage was utraquistic, after this year catholic. In 1625 it was promoted to deanship. The dean Martin Bittner added in 1681 so called capuchin room. 

Church and Deanship

Before the deanship there was a wooden fountain, which in 1790 was replaced with a stony fountain. It was supplied with water from the manor waterworks.

The deanship was in the 18th century enlarged in the back by the added room. In 1772 there was purchased a neighboring bourgeois house No. 1228 and during construction works both the houses were transformed in one. In 1813 the dean František Kouba had the deanship whitewashed and the roof tiled. He also enlarged the farm building, added a shed and he fenced the whole courtyard with a newly built wall. In the second half of the 19th century the building of the deanship was in so desolate condition that it reminded of a ruin. The dean Jan Karel Rojek together with chaplains had to move at the end of the 50’s of the 19th century to the chateau, where he however caught a cold and in 1862 looked for asylum in the house No. 1235, who belonged to the merchant Smola. However in the same year he, due to personal and health reasons, he also left to Budyně nad Ohří. The new dean Pelhřim Novák lived also in the house No. 1235 till the deanship was completed.

Building of the deanship, which occurred between 1867 to 1869, was really thorough. The whole construction of the neighboring house was elevated by the second floor and in fact a new big building with the roof perpendicular towards the neighbor’s roof was built. Depth of this house is connected with the width of the church.

The house No. 1228 was, as already mentioned, rebuilt in 1867 to 1869 and only its enclosure walls were retained. One section of a strong depth wall was added on ground floor. The arch-way has two cross fields and two arcades. A Gothic, fully semicircular cellar has airspace of 99 m3.


Nové Město nad Metují
GPS: 50° 20′ 36.084″N  16° 9′ 9.58″E


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 Nové Město nad Metují
 Husovo náměstí 1225


 +420 491 472 119
 +420 731 627 741




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